The service is a web server. To access a web server you just need the appropriate URL for it. This is a list of supported services from
- - US President John F Kennedy Family
- - US President's Families
- - English Royal Family (Crown History)
- - Game of Thrones Families
- - Harry Potter Families
The above URL's can be used with the Builder, Explorer, and Admin interface in the Service Box.
What is a Service?
The service is a web server that supports the Family Circles API.
I use containers for running the service and the above is an outline of the familycircles container. The container consists of an OS image. Additional OS required packages for Family Circles are installed in the image and then the fcservice.tar.gz is extracted into the filesystem at /fc. The outlined environment variables are set during the image creation. Later, during run time fcservice is started.
I usually setup up containers in the following configuration for a particular data file I want to make available.
I have one internal container with full access where I create the data file, but while I'm working on it it isn't available to the internet. Once I have a data file that I feel is ready, I export the data to a shared storage. Then I have a set of read only containers that will load the data file on fcservice start and are accessed through a load balancer for external user interaction.
The service is perl code. It depends on a number of perl modules and SQLite, so any platform that supports these items can be used to run the service.
This is a very generic outline of the steps involved to run the service:
- take any OS
- install a current version of SQLite
- install a current version of perl
- add the identified perl modules to perl
- download the latest fcservice.tar.gz
- extract in some location
- set your environment
- create a config file
- execute fcservice
Outside of the above I'm not currently planning on going into details of how to setup the service for every possible situation and I also don't plan on providing simple installers for xyz OS. However, if someone wanted to fund instructions for a specific OS or if the donations become significant enough then these instructions will get expanded.
What I will go over is how I install and use the service for my needs. I use docker and will assume you are already familiar with it and have it setup and running on some server.
Quick Start:$ docker run -d --name fcservice -p 80:80 familycircles/service $ docker logs -f fcservice HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:80/
The above will start a service listening on port 80 with no data in it. Then follow the log file from the service.
Suppose the server that the above was started from was Then you could go to the admin interface from and enter for the service name and it will connect and report the current status of that service. You should see under Records that the family and person counts are 0.
When you connect to the above service from the browser you should see http access request lines appear as requests are made to the service. You can use ctrl-c to stop following the log file. You can then stop the service with:
$ docker stop fcservice
If you want to remove that service, use this line:
$ docker rm fcservice
If you want to remove the image use this:
$ docker image rm familycircles/service:latest
The docker container is based on the following:
- fedora:latest
- dnf -y install perl-Pod-Usage perl-Plack perl-Module-Load-Conditional perl-libwww-perl perl-JSON perl-JSON-XS perl-IO perl-HTTP-Message perl-Getopt-Long perl-DBI perl-DBD-SQLite perl-Clone perl-Carp
- extract the fcservice.tar.gz in /fc
A more typical scenario I use for running the service is that I will create a specific config file that I want to use for a container and then I will use the following.
# create a custom config file place in some local storage for container $ mkdir -p /containers/ $ vi /containers/ # create contianer with a map the containers /fc/etc directory # to my containers directory with my config docker create --name -v /containers/ --restart unless-stopped familycircles/service # start container docker start
If I want to use a custom config file name I do something like this:
# create a custom config file place in some local storage for container $ mkdir -p /containers/ $ vi /containers/ # create contianer with a map the containers /fc/etc directory # to my containers directory with my config docker create --name --env FC_CONFIG=/fc/etc/test.json -v /containers/ --restart unless-stopped familycircles/service # start container docker start
The perl code for the service depends on three environment variables being properly set.
The path must be set to properly find fcservice, and fcapi. The container has the software installed in /fc and those scripts are located in bin. So for the container the PATH is set with this:
Perl must be configured to find the custom perl libraries for the programs. The container has the software installed in /fc and the libraries are in lib. So for the container the PERL5LIB is set with this:
The scripts will look for a config file based on the FW_CONFIG value. For the container the FW_CONFIG is set with this:
All the above settings can be adjusted from the docker command using the docker --env flag.
Config File
The services config file uses a JSON format. The following parameters are supported in the service config file.
These are the values used by fcapi.
- service
This is the URL that fcapi can use to reach the service.
These are the values used by fcservice.
- server
- ip
Host name or ip to use for listening on. It defaults to all if not specified.
- port
Port to use for listening on. It defaults to 5000 if not specified
- ip
- api
This is an array of the values: read, write, and admin. These values define which sort of requests the service will accept.
- headers
You can add additional headers that will be passed with all requests which can be usefull for dealing with CORS.
- data
- db
- ds
This is the DBI datasource to use for the service DB. Currently it only supports SQLite but in theory it could use any DB supported by DBI.
- user
user name to use for database access
- pass
user password to use for database access
- ds
- load
This is a hash of values appropriate to the perl load driver module. Currently two load modules are supported: FamilyCircles::Load::GEDCOM, and FamilyCircles::Load::JSON
- db
Combining both the above into one file is what I tend to do, but if you plan to use only one of the applications from some server then you can include only what's required for the application you use.
FamilyCircles::Load::GEDOM requires the following load parameters.
- driver
Must be set to GEDCOM.
- file
GEDCOM path and file to load.
FamilyCircles::Load::JSON requires the following load parameters.
- driver
Must be set to JSON.
- file
Family Circles JSON path and file to load.
This is the default empty config file used in the container.
{ "service" : "http://localhost/", "server" : { "port" : 80 }, "headers" : { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*" }, "api" : ["read","write","admin"], "data" : { "db" : { "ds" : "DBI:SQLite:database=:memory:", "user" : "", "pass" : "" } } }
This config file uses default server settings and loads a demo GEDCOM file. This config assumes /data/demo.ged file exists inside the container either by copying it in or by mapping something to /data to make it available.
{ "service" : "http://localhost:5000/", "api" : ["read","write","admin"], "headers" : { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*" }, "data" : { "db" : { "ds" : "DBI:SQLite:database=:memory:", "user" : "", "pass" : "" }, "load" : { "driver" : "GEDCOM", "file" : "/data/demo.ged" } } }
Perl Modules
Usage: fcervice [-config <file>]
Usage: fcapi -search <name> [-config <file>] fcapi -get <id> [-config <file>] fcapi -add <json> [-config <file>] fcapi -delete <id> [-config <file>] fcapi -clear [-config <file>] fcapi -load -file <file> -format GEDCOM|JSON [-config <file>] fcapi -load -url <url> -format GEDCOM|JSON [-config <file>] fcapi -export [-config <file>] fcapi -usage [-config <file>] fcapi -api [-config <file>]